Congratulations on being a homeowner. But it sounds like your house could benefit from better insulation or a heat pump. Your annualized carbon rebate will be between $900 and $1,800 this year, depending on the number of occupants.
Not a home owner, I’m renting. This place is old so it probably could use better insulation, but I’m in Edmonton and we had a two week cold snap of -40 to -50 so we used more natural gas than in a normal month
Page 3 table 2.
Paragraph 1 onward:
And Table 3 (including footnote 1):
Because these premiers are big babies wasting our money. So sick and tired of their hateful lies.
I live in a tiny house in Edmonton, sub 800sqft and the carbon tax on my bill last month was $75….
Congratulations on being a homeowner. But it sounds like your house could benefit from better insulation or a heat pump. Your annualized carbon rebate will be between $900 and $1,800 this year, depending on the number of occupants.
Not a home owner, I’m renting. This place is old so it probably could use better insulation, but I’m in Edmonton and we had a two week cold snap of -40 to -50 so we used more natural gas than in a normal month